New 奖学金 at Juilliard

A vibrant stage performance featuring dancers energetically leaping into the air. 在后台, a band with various musicians is visible, contributing to the dynamic atmosphere of the show. 的 background is a bold red, enhancing the excitement and energy conveyed by the performers. 的 floor of the stage is adorned with blue patterns, suggesting movement and flow, which complements the dynamic poses of the dancers.
First-year dancers and the jazz orchestra rehearse “Get Happy,” Celebration 2024

With many thanks to the generosity of the following donors, Juilliard is thrilled to award the following new scholarships in the 2023–24 academic year and beyond.

安妮·L. Bernstein was a loyal supporter of Juilliard’s drama program. Her legacy lives on in midtown at the 安妮·L. Bernstein 的ater and at Juilliard via a gift from her estate that has endowed the 安妮·L. Bernstein Scholarship in 戏剧.

依莲Bukantz, who was born in Belgium, was a longtime New Yorker and Juilliard supporter. A gift from her estate has been used to help make the drama MFA program tuition-free.

Stuart Coleman and Meryl S. Rosofsky have created a current- use scholarship that will support a dance student for the next three years.

Pre-College 奖学金捐助者 Dudley and Michael Del Balso, supporters of the performing arts and arts education, 创建了 Del Balso Family College Scholarship to continue to support Juilliard’s mission and its students.

Jesse Fink honored his late parents with a gift for the Milton and Helen Fink Scholarship. 米尔顿·芬克(48届学士), 低音提琴), a double bassist and cellist, devoted 40 years to teaching music in the New York City public schools.

迈克尔年代. 加洛 (BS ’62, voice) taught music throughout his career, most recently at the Felix Festa Middle School in Rockland County. He left a gift in his estate to create a music scholarship at Juilliard.

来自上帝的礼物 estate of Karolyn Kirksey Holler, who lived in California and had a lifelong passion for music, has endowed a scholarship for keyboard students.

奖学金捐助者 马克萧 (BM ’84, MM ’85, piano) and his husband, 霍华德Koeppel, are avid supporters of the arts.

雅克和玛格特·W. 科恩基金会 established four endowed full-tuition fellowships for drama master’s students in their second year. 这贡献, which was part of the 科恩基金会’s final round of grants prior to its sunset, was instrumental in Juilliard’s path to a tuition-free drama MFA program.

玛丽Riew, a Juilliard Council member since 2019, and her husband, 丹Riew, have a passion for music and believe in the power of the arts. 的y are providing scholarship support for a student in the 2024–25 academic year.

For more information, please contact Irene Elias, stewardship manager, at (电子邮件保护) 或(212)799-5000,分机. 309.
