Performance Calendar




Born in West Hartford, Conn., Richard L. Aaron is a professor of cello at the University of Michigan and at has been on the faculty at Juilliard since 2007. He previously taught at the Cleveland Institute of Music and the New England Conservatory, and has given master classes in Spain, Germany, France, Korea, Japan, China, and Australia, as well as at many of the leading music schools in North America, including Rice University, Oberlin Conservatory, Eastman School of Music, Mannes, the Hartt School, and the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Since 2003, Aaron has been on the faculty of the Aspen Music Festival and has taught at summer music institutes including the Indiana University String Academy, Calgary Music Bridge, Peter the Great Music Festival (Groningen, Holland), Aria International Summer Academy (Massachusetts), Innsbruck Summer Music Academy (Missouri), Chautauqua Institution (New York), Idyllwild Summer Program (California), Heifetz International Music Institute (Virginia), Marrowstone Music Festival (Port Townsend, Washington), and Encore (Ohio), Orford.

Aaron is a frequent competition judge, having recently adjudicated the Beijing International Competition, Isan Yun Competition (Korea), Cassado (Japan), Amsterdam Cello Biennale Competition, Schadt String Competition, and Stulberg Competition. Many of Aaron’s students have won prizes at competitions around the world, including the Naumburg, Washington International, Johanson in Washington, Isan Yun in Korea, Cassado in Japan, and Klein in San Francisco. Former students have occupied principal positions in major orchestras including those in Chicago, Saint Louis, Seattle, Portland, and the Metropolitan Opera. They can also be found playing in award-winning ensembles, including the Biava, Fry Street, American, Penderecki, Linden, Escher, and Aeolus string quartets. Aaron was a member of the Elysian Piano Trio at Baldwin Wallace College for 14 years and continues an active chamber music performance schedule.

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